It's been noted that lot of ABers post on here during the day and it made me think: how many of you love your job? Do you live to work or work to live?
I have a small compartment style freezer and it needs defrosting regularly which is a complete nightmare. I've seen something in the Kleeneze catalogue called Freezer Liner which you put in and I...
Isn't it nice when you meet someone, don't get on with them and think you hate them, then see them in a different light and realise that actually, you quite like them! In fact, they're pretty great...
Are you planning on popping over to the corner shop for some beers? Only, if you are, I really fancy a strawberry Cornetto and some Chewits, so if you wouldn't mind, I know you'd do anything for your...
I've used quite a lot of Liz Earle stuff but have never tried these as I can't decide if they're overpriced or not. Has anyone tried them and are they worth the money?
Anyone else think it's disgusting how much she has already spent on her new adopted baby when the same amount could go to the village he is from and help them plant new crops and houses. She's...
Can you go into a Next shop an order an item into the shop? I only want one pair of jeans and I'm not going through the pallaver of opening an online account or paying over 3 quid for a catalogue!
I think this is a bit of a long shot but is anyone aware of any websites which list the medicines you can and can't use in pregnancy? I'm coming down with a cold and have a terrible sore throat but I...
I'm due to have my 20 week scan at the end of October and I'm in two minds whether or not to ask if they can tell the sex. My husband has said from the start he wants to know but I can't make up my...
I'm 3 months pregant and just recently started to get my morning sickness except it's not really the normal sort of nausea. My problem is that I have a lot of wind throughout the day and am constantly...
Has anybody taken this out? How do you go about it? Twins run in my family and it was only after my sister in law had her twins that we found there was something called twins insurance. My husband and...
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, hapy birthday dear cobra, happy birthday to you!!! Have a smashing day today hun! Lots of love from me and the girls! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx