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hello friend
Whiffey and the grotty old bag. You are both two faced little pieces of pig **** so why just dont you **** of and play amongst yourselfs in the ******* pet cemetery where you both belong. Whiffey you...
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hello friend
I have not long been a member here and have done more watching than posting. I have been looking in all day today and a few other days,and have never heard such crap in all my life. If these morons...
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captains log
And I am not giving him back unless you all club together and cough up the ransom of ten thousand euroes, so come on then you have 24 hours to pay the bill or he gets it.........
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I am very nice, and I don't mind talking to you on msn first so you know how nice i really am. i'd like to see a picture but it's not compulsory. if you'd like to meet me then i'd like to meet you....
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They live a few doors down the street. They invite this guy who lives near to me for a drink then they ******* duff him up. ******* loud music all the time, noisy ********, i own a shotgun, i am very...
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hello friend
is it not illegal to do this.
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what did it feel like? what happened did you look back over the events of your life anf regret things? are there things you were ashamed oof?
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My week was not good. I went back to work after hols and was totally overworked My fish died My hamster died One daughter fell out with me The other daughter has gone onto anti-depressants My...
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So, lets talk food. Whats your favourate and what are you having tonight?
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Hi I know this is a tad depressing... but.. what 3 songs ( not hymns) would you choose for your funeral.... they can be funny, sad, uplifting.... I know my friends father chose, as a joke...for his...
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Or are you a lily-livered white-pantied droopy-wrist loose-bowelled WUSS ? I have just cooked (lol) a curry. Onions burned in ghee, 30 Kenyan green chillies, 1 chopped Jamaican hot chocolate habanero,...

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