guess the name of the singer/band from the cryptic clue for example: Throw a summer fruit (10) - Chuck Berry Watering hole (5) - Oasis so.......... The pretenders? (10) Meeting place for refined...
I want to surprise my hubby at our silver wedding party next month by finding a love song with all the right words to say how I feel. Suggestions please. I need a song that is well known and that has...
MDF Paint job.? Having had a radiator cover made to measure, and delivered, and seeing as it's made,from MDF how do I paint it ? Do I need to undercoat it etc.? please help . Thanks
Hi, I get the Telegraph on Sat and the Express on Monday for the GK crosswords. What other papers have GK crosswords and on what days? Can anyone tell me?
After having this particular shrub for a few years, last year it did not flower , and i'm afraid it might not flower this year. Has anyone any suggestions.?.
The following clues are supposed to give the names of flowers or plants. Anybody out there got any ideas? 1) Always left out. (9 letters) 2) Economy.(6 letters) 3) Two girls therefore. (10 letters) 4)...
2 to get 17 across part of either side of the head between the eye and ear t---l- 6 letters 14 down fine particles of carbon rising from something burning ----e 5 letters
Sorry to ask this again, but completely stuck. 1. A very large number (Flower or Plant) Number of letters not known. Have already got Phlox for another clue. Any help much appreciated.mJ.
Does anyone have the recipe for Coconut Tart?
The one with pastry base, jam, then cocnut mixed with something else.
My Uncle has retired and has taken up cookery.
Many Thanks