off out now but no havnt got the hang of it yet tried to answer me own thread but it said time out me parrots going loopy the day im leaving him with mr m
this is my first question on this site and just looking for any advice really. ive only been in a couple of fairly long relationships before (3 and 5 years), now i single and there is a girl who works...
just wondering how you chose your answer bank name because there are some really weird names . mine is dustypuss because when I was thinking of a name fore my self my Cat walk into the room and he is...
Do you ever look at your name and think its strange and analyse it? I do -even tho i've had it for 49yrs. Given the choice are you happy with your given name or would you rather have had another name...
to be honest i think we should all have one name and no matter if u get banned u still have to use it as its hard to be consistent when u dont know who u are speaking too but my question is some of ur...
I dont usually air my feelings on here but you have gone to far.You have upset Bigmamma and driven her away from the site.Well im afraid its the site against you cos everyone else loves her.You really...
Mi nombre es knobbynonuts que los chillidos apesadumbrados yo significan el knobbynonut. Pero usted puede llamarme knobbynonut del sir si usted desea tan. Es con el m?s grande del placer ?se que...
The one with a link to a photo of the paperweight iove got as a gift for her and mr rabbs.Who could be so petty to get this banned?Some folk no wonder it gets heated here folk just cant let you havea...
Do you ever wish your partner liked the same music as you ? Youre in a pub and the barmans whistling away like a budgie on crack.Do you leave so you dont glass him , move through to the lounge to...
for me to make a posting and get, receive, absolutely no response..Please help with a way, so to feedback whatsoever!