We have a lovely dog.....We live in a flat and since we've had a baby the dog has become too much to look after. We love him but now the baby is crawling it is to much to handle constantly mopping up...
is there anyone out there that is willing to give my springer spaniel a good home? she is 10 years old and had a lovely temprement,well behaved and loyal,this request is due to my failing health,and i...
whenever i run, whether i'm just jogging or i'm going somewhere, my white GSD dog just doesn't seem to like it. He runs after me like there's no tomorrow and starts biting me like crazy. why does he...
A few days ago i bought a german shepard puppy, he is nearly 14 weeks old. he is very young so i am expecting accidents in the house, i have read about how to house train a puppy and i have done it...
My 10 month White Shepherd start being afraid of tall males recently. We got him from a breeder when he's 8 weeks old. He is very human friendly. He did not have this problem in the past (he used to...
Not a proper question so you can report me if you like. I am not a great fan of performing animals but this pooch is amazing. I am also probably a bit bias towards Border Collies. In case you haven't...
my cat has been fighting (again), he came home a few days ago with a cat claw stuck in his head just by his ear which I removed for him but it then got infected and today burst open. Is there anything...
my dog wont stop whining when she is shut away in the kitchen at night or thru the day we leave the kitchen door open and have a safty gate up to keep her in the kitchen please help as the constant...
I have just got a kitten who is 12 weeks old. I would like to go away for 5 days on August 16th and would need to put him in a cattery. Do you think this is too young to go in a cattery? He would be...
Yesterday my 4yr old daughter (who happens to be terrified of dogs) and I were having a lovely picnic at a local lake. We were sat on the grass with a blanket and had finished eating luckily when...
I posted earlier in the week about my friend who has left her dog alone athome for 2 weeks with just a neighbour popping in to feed her and take her for a walk. I have had her for a week and she has...
My mum has an old labrador x golden retriever he is riddled with fleas and as soon as she treats him more appear. I have just got an 9 week old kitten and after a couple of days of having her i...
I can fully understand the need for rescue centres to closely 'vet' prospective adopters, but do you think they are too cautious? The reason I ask is this, this afternoon i was talking to a lady who...
My hubby and I have been looking to get another dog, we already have a lab (our 3rd) and would love to get him some company. Having always had puppies in the past we decided to go with our consciences...
Hi all, We have a 9 week old puppy and are having an absolute nightmare trying to toilet train him. We are putting newspaper down but this is pretty much hit and miss as to whether or not he will do...