typical life expectancy of 85yr old male diagnosed with liver cancer (7 months ago) (with secondaries in bones.) patient now showing signs of confusion (brain mets???) . (taking tramadol and...
It is a situation that I happen in community pharmacy, a lady came to get 3 medicines simvastatin,Dianette( for hirsutism) and flucloxacillin (for cellulitis), but she can only buy 2 products due to...
There would be 60p Consumer Pay Monthly for voice usage per minute + 20 p for SMS charges. my son is going to america for 10 days. presuming i only let him text to the uk what would it cost please...
Finally started my dream job of Staff nurse at the grand age of 45 (better late than never) Just not sure if to opt in or out of the pension scheme.? any advice please?????...
best way to clean a hotpoint schutt cerah hob. the marks wont wash off with soft damp cloth!! Frightened of scratching it !! When i have checked my saucepans two of them are ridged and sort of rusty...
my son is going to canary islands tommorow. He still has his voicemail activated and there is no one answering at three network to deactivate it. His flight is early in the morning.He also hasnt let...
Noise coming from my car that is annoying!! Sounds like the exhaust is blowing (but it isnt). The noise happens whenever I press the accelerator!! any ideas what it might be???? thanks...
Me again! (with the poor grammar). I am wanting to state at the very end of the conclusion that the most important thing in nursing is keeping our patients safe. But in a nice academic eye catching...
However Mitchell (1997) argues that large volumes of information should only be given to patients dependant on their preference and need
please help...
can anyone tell me what GKI stands for in medical terms (a diabetic post op patient would need it) ha ha the sliding one were you do hourly BM's thanks xxx
Please can someone tell me what the threshold is when tax credits wouldnt be payed. e.g wife earns 12 grand per year hubby earns 13 grand per year (joint income 25 grand) thankyou !!...
Please can someone help me I am so confused. I have a new light fitting for my dining room and the light is far too bright. It takes 5 (small screw} candle bulbs. Each of them is 40 watts!! (TOO...
Basically my hubby wants us to rent a property that would be perfect for his business and to be honest I have fell in love with it too!! Hate were we live as there is lots of low lives, drug users,...