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Info Freak

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How do I find the value of my car?
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Im getting kittens in a few weeks, one girl and one boy. i want to name one nishka but cant decide if its a girls or a boys name? any thoughts?? Thanks
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Hi, my friend told me about a PSP website called blender or something?? he said he had to pay to register but when he did it was really good. does anyone know what site it is or what is a good site...
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Info Freak
Hi guys, I have a few questions that have been spinning round my head! I would like to set up a premium rate phone line. It is not your classic sex line but an educational line which i am looking at...
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Info Freak
Hi all, I have just over 300 Tonnes of ironmonery, This includes all sorts of hinges, Corner Braces, Bolts, Hook and Bands, Hand rail brackets, Gate latches and many many other things. I am looking to...
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Info Freak
Hi all, I have recently set up a new email account for communial use. Can anybody tell me how i can set up a system where any Email recieved to the communial account is automatically forwarded to...
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Info Freak
Hi all,Recently i asked a question regarding how hypnosis works. I recieved some first hand experience which i found very useful and for the first time in a long time i have found myself closer to the...
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What would happen if during a hypnosis show and someone is under hypnosis and the hypnosist drops dead, what would happen to the person under hypnosis?
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For the past 3/4 years i've been really confused about my sexuality and I still am. I've told some of my best friends and their all cool with it. But over the past few days i've been getting more and...
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Every day I get at least one letter, normally about 7. Today I got nothing at all, but was expecting one for sure. Does the postie sometimes just not bother if you only have one?
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How fast can I discharge a battery without damaging it or overheating it? What maximum current can I draw from it?I suppose it depends on the model, but any info would be appreciated, whether...
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Info Freak
Hi all, I have recently bought a DV in and out camcorder. I am currently using Windows Movie Maker, however I want a stronger more powerful package to perform better, transitions, and special...
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Info Freak
Hi all, I have seen a black squirrel roaming around in my garden. It is quite tame and is often around. Out of intrest I have filmed it and taken some close very good pictures. I'm presuming...
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Is anyone else relieved to find out that Jacko has 'regular' porn in his house?
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can some one tell me what was on TV on the 13th November 1988. seems im going back to the future now.
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im lost can you help me get home.
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with a provsional lisence at 16 is it possible you can drive any sort of car ? i hear it is possible to drive a 3 wheeler is this right.
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Does anyone have any knowledge of websites or information on being a film/tv extra, I have no previous experience.  Cheers
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Dom Tuk
When thinking to oneself, the words are formed and heard in your mind. So if it is you talking to yourself, your voice is played in your mind. How does this work. As there is no sound uttered how does...

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