I ask because by poor old uncle had been suffering indigestion and reflux for some weeks and getting very little relief from over the counter meds. He had to see the dentist because of toothache and...
5. Photographer's catchphrase (5,3,6). 11. Start a race too soon (4,3,3). 12. Delighted (4,3,4). 16. Expression of Astonishment (5,3,5). 24. An 'Arabian Nights' story (6,3,6). Any help much...
I got one of my top molars wrenched out on Wednesday and it still hurts, is it meant to hurt for this long. I also have earache but I had that before my trip to the dentist so I can't really blame the...
Ive had a blister on the inside of my lower lip for months. It fills up, pops, seems to disapear and then returns in exactly the same place. Any idea how to get rid of it? (or why it keeps coming...
A young female friend - 25 years old is constantly plagued with multiple mouth ulcers. She has been to her gp and had blood tests but the cannot find anything wrong She is otherwise healthy has a good...
Well have had the chromium partial dentures (front 4 teeth) for about 2 months and I still "feel the bulkiness" I have gone back to dentist twice and she said if she loosened them anymore they would...
I am trying to compose a letter to a famous and very large Bread Company as I am disappointed with their offer of compensation. I was eating a sandwich made with their bread and bit into someone's...
Well I have been using these new titanium teeth 3 months but still feel a bulkiness in my mouth. I thought the the new teeth would feel much thinner. Shall I make an appointment to see if the dentist...
Hello J9pur - if you are knocking about I had to get to the chromium plate thingmajig fixed last week re (unfortunately) eating a toffee ( stupid me). The lovely dentist fixed it brilliantly (not my...
Hi, My period was a week late and so today I decided to take a pregnancy test, I took the Clearblue digital one and within about 3 minutes it came up that I'm 2-3 weeks pregnant ....I have now done...
Thanks in advance, as ever.
2. A drink with a high salary
9. Get at it with 2K
13. They say this will give you sweet dreams
16. This takes the bites....
Does anyone know of any good/safe Car parks to park my car in Bristol? Nearer the city centre would be best. Any ideas on prices? Looking to stay for 2 days
Hi, Today I had a small denture fitted..its has 3 teeth to the left and 1 to the right. The teeth look fine but they have such a thick bridge that fits to the back of my 2 front teeth that almost...
1.D.T.T.B. ( SONG TITLE 2.A.M.N.D.( LITERATURE 3.L.O.T.S.W.( TV 4.L.D. (6.6) SONG 5.S.H.(6.6) SONG 6.B.M.S.(5.2.8) SONG 7. T.M.R.(3.5.10) TV 8. O.T.B.(2.3.5) LITERATURE...