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Where was the world's first aeroplane designed and built, and by whom?
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my wife, who knows everything,says that paul rankin was born in scotland before moving to ireland.would someone please tell me she's wrong-for once. thanks
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heard this many moons ago,what,who,when? thank you.
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malcy bee
The ad is for ING Direct and the tune is a guitar version of "Tom Hark". But who is it by please?
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can anyone offer advice.i seem to have had my internet explorer 'hijacked' by some website determined to get me to buy their anti virus software which i dont need.a window keeps popping up warning me...
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anyone please suggest the best stuff for keeping flies at bay when out walking?i've heard of 'citronella oil' but wondered if there was anything else.the wee ******* are a damn nuisance.thank you.
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Not a question but I've Just been watching East Midlands Today and it featured a film of badgers & foxes sharing supper on the patio of a house near Liecester. I see plenty of foxes while I'm out with...
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i recall seeing cars driving about with the sticker ''running in,please pass''.something to do with the new engine but what exactly?thanks
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could someone please enlighten me as to the name of the film where j depp played a rare book collector.thanks
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hi chaps and chapesses,i copied videos taken on digital camera to a cd rom.i could view them on the computer but when i put cd into dvd it said ''no supported files found''.now, i've never tried...
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been getting some very strange emails recently.they have senders name and a first line of utter nonsense i.e....''let her hartsville''?? ''take tracing tomorrow''??.i haven't opened them as i dont...
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what do you all think of this story about a polar bear some animal rights activist thinks should be killed as it has been abandoned by its mother - it bought me to tears...
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At around six o clock every morning a crow screeches and attacks our windows any ideas how to stop it?
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have tried many times to seal round the bath without luck.water still gets in the back between bath and wall.usually fill bath,put on sealant then leave for 24 hours.every time i drain the bath after...
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not sure if tthis is in the right place but why do vets charge a lot of money for products and consultations? i took my cat to the vets today and i wasn't in there long and the vet didn't say much,...
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For those of you who support the 'animal rights organisation' PETA you maybe interested in this article in the Daily Telegraph:
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how can i unlock my husbands vodafone mobile phone so i can use it with my Virgin sim card? (or free if poss!)
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can anyone enlighten me as to where computer viruses come from.i mean does someone put one into circulation or can they just appear from wherever.thanks
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after trying to install a new game,i had to get rid of some unused things from the hard drive.without knowing what i was really doing,the explorer for google icon had disappeared from the desktop.i...
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Hi, just wondered what your most useless present was? Normally, everything i receive i can use and am really grateful. But this year, my other half got me.....a car manual!! I mentioned to him that...

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