20a The beast lies about the sweepstakes (5) O?T?R The answer appears to be OTTER = beast, coming fro LOTTERY = sweepstakes, but I can't fit that to the clue
Turned up, to find it had been postponed (3,3) P?T ??F The obvious answer is PUT OFF = postponed but I can't see where the FF comes from. Turned Up = PU, to = TO, find it??
25d She proves to be unusually malleable in the end (5) B?L?A I read this as an anagram (indicator "unusually") of the end of MALLEABLE, i.e, EABLE, but the answer appears to be BELLA = She. Any...
14d Make a lot of the disappointment? (4) SE?L
25a A short distance from the stage (4) S?E?
30a Get a bang from a bottle! (6) R?L?S?
28d Knock for the doctor (4) FE?L...