I just got in from a night on the carlsberg, i made two pieces of toast with marmalade and a cup of aero hot chocolate, i put them on a tray and turned the tele on ,my intention was to eat said toast...
I have just got back from my local club ,I am a minor official there, i was just about to go home at 11.30pm when i was told that the organist who plays downstairs for the sequence dancing had had his...
whatever happened to whalid jummblat? i seem to remember he was yasser araffats right hand man , i have not heard of him for years,where is he ?is he now respectable?
can anyone tell me why my keyboard will not write certain mumbers on my screen ? i can't seem to get the number one or zero ,at certain times and then it starts to work okay this happens when i try to...
hi all ,can anyone tell me if it is possible to burn music in wma format from windows media player to a cd . I want to play it in a car that has mp3 . I think it is possible using nero but do not know...
I have a Digifusion fvrt 100 digital video recorder twin tuner ,or in other words a freeview box with a hard disc to record programmes. The thing is it makes a constant whirring sound that is quite...