..features a sample of a man saying "England? Well it;s the best kept village in Europe, isn't it?" Who is it? Also, the film dialogue at the start, about life being a football game, what's that from?...
The (frankly disappointing) new BBC sitcom "Blessed" is well, blessed, with the brill actor who plays the Jagger-esque guitarist who is the friend of Ardal O'Hanlon's character. Who is he, he's great,...
Is there anywhere on the 'net where you can find Corrie scripts? Particularly looking for Mel Hutchwright's (Ian McKellen) brilliant dialogue with Ken Barlow that starts, "There's something...
...I've started doing a short course in plastering at my local college, and am tempted to do the full course and become a "proper" plasterer. What i'd like to know is how much...
in the new Orange ad where the couple sort of dance while doing things and end up walking down the street, (Tag: "Relationships get better over time", or similar), what is the sad, ambient piano...
Mine was one night 10-6 setting up a market stall. I did'nt even wait to get the ?10 i was offered, i just went home and wondered where my life was going.
Back in the mid 80s (Thatcher, shoulder pads etc) a young lad by the name of felix howard was quite famous. He was in a Madonna video, and also did a bit of presenting. He was intensely irritating. Is...
Any other grown men (or women) love the cartoon "Samurai Jack"? I think it's the cartoon equivalant( sp) of the old 60s series "The Prisoner".
Not sure what category to put this in! Every now and then I see the results of a survey that say something like "The top five men women would like to be stuck in a lift with", or "Top five women men...
In about 1991 I loved a band called The Stairs, they ere from Liverpool and were really rootsy, the fore runners of The Coral and The Zutons. I know they recorded two albums, one of which was never...
I'm 31, with three A poor A-Levels, and I dropped out of university (well, the local ex-poly) ten years ago. I currently work in the civil service, but it's a bit dull and poorly paid. Anybody fancy...