I wish to thank each and every one of you who wished me well whilst in Hospital having a Lung Cancer Operation recently. There are too many of you to thank individually, so it's best I post my thanks...
I have just spotted in a couple of early morning threads that Rowan is hoping to have Redman home today, I think the news deserves a thread of its own so that late arrivals at AB towers don't miss it....
You know my plantar fasciitis is causing me real pain at the moment. Saw consultant last week and I have to go back tomorrow as she says I have to have the injection in each heel. ( She couldnt...
sitting writing recipes out before I take the book back to the Library (I love Nigel Slater) and waiting on Onepoll to give me a survey to claim my last 5p so I can claim my £40. Is anyone doing...
I have just made a Spaghetti Bolognese and it's simmering away nicely for later. When it comes to preparing the garlic, I always dither. Chop it finely, crush it in the garlic press or break it up...
Himself has had two really good days, been awake all day today, eaten lots of food (small meals made up of tasty titbits) and his head is a bit better. I know that he might regress and have bad days...
You may recall I posted a question here:- http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/Animals-and-Nature/Question1253170.html After that day, I only saw hedgie once during the day until last week. Then it was out...