Dad home, very much better, temperature, bloods all back to normal....Will stay here till maybe Wednesday or Thursday to settle him in...back to haematology consultant next week....but it's all...
They say that living with a cat is good for your health. I dispute this - wake up calls at silly o'clock and there is a cat currently head-butting me and screaming in my ear. This picture doesn't help...
Onwards and Downwards Continues in June 2013 Hello all, Sick of talking about the weather so as per a brilliant suggestion from xstitcher, what is your favourite slimming salad to eat in the summer...
I am interested in what temprement you good expect from a husky/collie cross.
What are the pro's and cons of both breeds?
Collies I have experience with Huskies none.
Thanks all....
and Monday is mid summers day.
My question is/ Why is it cold and nissing it down, The heating is on again, are we going to get any good weather in West Yorkshire this year....
..... longest day tomorrow, the weather is very nice these days, all the signs are for a great summer
so why the hell am i suffering from a cold????? :-(...