I am 23, recently single and its the first weekend in a while that my mates arent going out. I am unsure what to do with myself !!! I madde a list yesterday of things i could do like join the gym,...
My local gym is a 5 minute walk from where i live, I was just wondering what the going rates are fro gym memberships and steam room / tanning extras etc? I used to go there years ago but its probably...
We are both the same age, i am recently single and he is with a girl he has been with for 5 years. Anyway, everytime we go out together, he pulls girls....whereas I dont. We are about the same level...
I was just wondering what women think of them? I am only 23 and far far from being bald, but have noticed slight changes in my hairline recently. If you have seen Calum Best, he recedes slightly at...
Hi I posted yesterday, i text my recent ex this morning asking if she was seeing anybody, she told me she was seeing her ex, who when younger forced her to have an abortion and also cheated on her.......
Hi, my ex and I recently split up (her decision) she seems to have moved on a lot quicker than me. Recently though she has been saying she misses me, when i suggested we have a casual relationship,...