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Talk about unused room, you have a 3 bed house & asking you to move to down grade, how would you feel living in a house that you have brought up your children which have now left, spent a lot of...
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Worst day ever yesterday,,,told kids daddy moving out and my 9 year old sobed and begged us No, my 5 year old said he was sad,,,I feel completly destroyed. Husband is in hotel. As brief as poss...
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how do you do yours, please?... i just can't seem to get it right.. thank you!...
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Last week in the Sunday Mail Mag (I think) there was an article about an eating place in Bristol that comprised of a lot of different cafes and restaurants in a kind of mall where you paid an entrance...
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And do you think it is an excuse to sneak another advert onto the page?
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Has anyone else ever had a recruitment company call you at your workplace(using your name) to offer you a job opportunity?? i've known this to happen in my workplace,a pharmacy, a handful of times...
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Is it normal for the woman of the house to do the lion's share of the work around the house. i've lived with 3 partners and although they have been different personalities types it always seems to be...
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Anyone any idea why people talk in their sleep? Thing 1 (3 years old) has just started shouting while she is still fast asleep. She has a bit of a cold but is not poorly. Don't like to think that she...
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My partner is 27 this week, his parents gave him 3 pairs of socks, the wrong size, and 1 can of Lynx which says 'not to be sold separately' on the side, so it was obviously one of a multipack (can he...
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I've just finished a telephone conversation with the nicest, most loveliest person I know. It's left me with a massive grin :-) What makes you smile???...
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Just wondered if anyone could give me some advice on this before i take my son to his GP this week. my son is 5 and has been a type 1 diabetic for 2 yrs now and also a diagnosed coelic. his diabetes...
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Hi, Well me (male) and my ex girlfriend broke up at the start of november (were both in our 30's) Yep it came as a shock, as everything going well - talk about a future etc, reitterating our love for...
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Just been in to a new local shop called the Sweet Emporiam.I filled a bag with pear drops, spearmint chews, mintoes, liquorice & blacurrant, humbugs & sherbert lemons. All for £3,...
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Well it's roast chicken and all the trimmings for us. How about you? :-)...
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I may have posted something similar to this a few months ago but circumstances have changed a little. my partner's ex had been harrassing my bf and myself a lot..mainly letters and hundreds of texts...
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My son is 5 yrs old and whilst he was towards the end of his reception class at school he become friends with a lad who was around a yr or so older than him from another class. Playing games at break...
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Does sugar make kids hypo, or is it the colouring in food?
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My workmate has found out that her husband has been cheating on her with her best mate for nearly a year. she found out around a month ago and has been having the toughest of times since. Having gone...
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My wonderful 6’3” father was an actor / singer and a very funny, loving man. I remember he was trying to teach me how to flip crêpe pancakes in our newly painted kitchen one day. Mum...
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In son no1's class, there are 6 (you read that right!) boys called Matthew. He is 15. In son no 2's class there are 3 boys called Cameron and 3 girls called Emily. (He is 7.) I was wondering why...

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