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I am having regular problems with Battlefield 2 After about a minute or so of playing online it says "There is a problem with my connection" and disconnects me I have forwarded all...
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Currently I am using Itunes 7, but is it possible for me to skip tracks on Itunes even when a full screen process (i.e a game) is running? As its just frustrating to bring up the task manager half way...
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I'm about to buy a new computer - how can I change my itunes library over to my new computer? Is this even possible?
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help! my staffy boxer cross' head is cracking and her mouth seems to have shrunk!!!! what is happening? she is 2
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Random Hero
im using macromedia dreamweaver to make a website and i was wondering if anyone knew how to make rollover sounds on the hyperlinks. i mean the little sounds like a beep when u roll you mouse over...
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Why does my cat contstantly gorge himself stoopid on cat food only to throw it up a few moments later, then come back and eat more???? Its getting to be horrible habit and I have no idea why he is...
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Has anyone seen the punishment given to Mr Mason following his punch on Fielden at the weekend!!!!!!!!! ONe match. What a load of c$%p. He claims he was acting in self defence!!!!!!!!! And he did not...
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How do you rate the England cricket team chances of retaining the ashes, I think we've got a reasonable chance of winning it but Im a bit biased
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I have found out that you can rip films to the memory stick on a PSP. Is it possible to copy downloaded PSP games to the PSP? If so how and where do you copy it to??? as you can not get blank UMD. are...
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Does anyone else think that often Alexei Salyes multi-character performances were the best thing about the Young Ones?
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A friend is trying to download a series off the internet and rip it to DVD. Unfortunately each episode has been made into an AVI meaning loads of AVI's. He has no problem converting AVI to DVD but his...
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I want to update my craphics card and I was wondering since i have DDR2 RAM would only that type of card run in my PC, or would i be able to run a GDDR2 card? Any help would be appreciated.
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My wifes "PAYG/Contract" mobile phone has died - she is on Orange and gets a special rate (how/why ?) of 5p per text etc - anyway my question is if she buys herself a new phone from Tescos (?30 or...
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Inspired by a question earlier in the week.... Just wondering what your favourite lyrics of all time are - I mean the lyrics as pure poetry as opposed to because they mean something to you I love...
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We found our dog who was about 14+ yrs old floating in our pool. My question is being that she was floating, might she been dead before she fell in. Thank you
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I bought a second hand Playstation game with no manual. Does anyone know any website where I can download manuals?
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it was reported yesterday that Eton Road and Ray from Simons group were also with management so they may be disqualified, when will they learn that they can't cheat the system they always get found...
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Dom Tuk
In their series on films to watch before you will find oldboy, the greatest film made imho. Set your timers and enjoy and gasp as the story unfolds.
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i just got the sony erricson walkman phone, does anyone else have this one and find the headphones strange? one long side and one short?
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I've just finished Dungeon Siege 2 and the expansion pack and previous to that Diablo 2. I loved these style RPG can anybody suggest a similar styled game? Please note, I'm not interrested in Internet...

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