Hi We have recently bought our first house which has double glazing. A couple of the windows appear to have moisture in between the glass panels and the seels on the inside corners are going black....
Hi We have a very placid Border Collie whom we rescued 4 months ago. He apparently came from a loving home but his owner was taken into a hospice and could no longer care for him. He doesn't bark very...
Hi Does anyone know where I can get reasonably priced artwork (painting not print). I've had a look online and prices are over ?150 for a decent sized textured painting. Any ideas? Thanks
Hi I while ago a heard of a matt that you could put under your washing machine to make it quieter while spinning, but I can't find it anyhere. Has anyone seen such a thing or have any other ideas to...
Did anyone see the episode of Medium last week titled 'The Reckoning'. If so can you tell me who that song was by playing in Alison's car? Sorry, 'bit of an obscure one but its really bugging me!...
Hi Can someone help me with a problem my family has? About 18 months ago, my brother in law BIL (soon to be ex) wanted to buy a moped but as he had a poor credit rating my mum took the finance out for...
We have a small garden that is fenced in with neighbours either side. One side of the fence needs repairing, which we are quite happy to do, but I wonder who owns which side??
We have recently bought our first house which has a small garden. At the moment its completely paved and not being the most green fingered couple, we're wondering what to do with it to make it look...
We have recently bought our first house which is a 2 up 2 down cottage - over 100 years old. We have noticed in the main bedroom that if we shut the window completely one of the walls starts, well,...
I've got to deliver a series of presentations at work tomorrow and I'm so nervous! I always go bright red and feel I'm a gibbering wreck! Can anyone offer any advice or techniques urgently!
We have recently got our first dog - however we have laminate flooring and he slides everywhere. He is now really anxious about walking on the floor, does anyone know of a solution other than getting...
Can anyone help me with a stupid question! We current have laminate flooring but we're getting a carpet - will we have to take up the laminate flooring or can a carpet be laid on top? Thanks