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Does anyone know any interesting facts about animals ? For example; All Polar bears are left handed.
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We have six ducklings with their mother settled on our Pond. They all are the same colour as their Mother (a Mallard) what we would like to know how does one know the sex of young ducklings? None have...
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Can anyone advise me where I should look to find someone who would feed my cat in my house when I am on holiday Thanks RAS
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I'm looking for a job, yeah. Well I have two lip piercings that i know most people dont like.. however others do. This is who i am, i've had them for years yet i cant seem to get a job anywhere.. I...
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i went to the gig and thought the supporting band were briliant but couldnt hear thier name, they have a song called mothership... does anyone know who they are ?
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would you? I would!
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Uriah Heep
My granddaughter has to decide this week on whether to take French or German for the last two years of primary school. Simply, which is easier and which would be best?
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anybody got any tips or know of any remadies for my wife who is terified of flying[ no alcahol please ] thanks

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