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What's the music for the turkish delight advert and where can I find it?
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fill in the blanks from a film,said by a comedian/politician(same thing!)or heard in a cartoon?
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Does any one know a descent web site for downloading music and videos?And not kazza i already use that
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Is it possible to manually type in polyphonic ringtones like on the older phones or are we at the mercy of the overpriced ringtone hawkers?
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If circumnavigating the earth, which is the greates distance: going east/west at the equator or north/south through the poles?
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Sammy J
Can I handle long ditance realtionship
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jim moore
how many lions are there in the uk
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How do you spell the requiem hymn 'pia esu?'
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Joe Johnson
looking for a song title with the lyric "in the palm of my hand" any helpers??
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ian race
can you give me information about training to become a crime scene investigator?
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Does anyone know what the following slogans advertised: 'the appetizer' and 'Don't say brown..'
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Where did the phrase 'Who ate all the pies' come from? Did someone actually eat all the pies, and if so, how many and who was it?
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What is the name of the music played in the grandstand snooker on tv?
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Michael H
The toy appears to be making the malteser float above it before the girl catches it in her mouth, like they do in the space capsule, How did they do this ?
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andy hughes
The chairman of Ryan Air wants to do away with check-in desks and baggae handling, to reduce costs. Fine so far, but he advises people to buy their holiday clothes at their destination ... so how do...
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How can I get my cute 8 month old baby in magazine or TV adverts.
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Does anybody know the music used in the new Danone Shape yogurt with the slogan '6 essential vitamins'??
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What sre the words
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I am going to the local newsagents to spend 2 quid on sweets/chocolate, what should I buy?

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