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(7a) One always involved in rows. (3) O _ _ . (8d) Tasty dish to give out to smart Kenneth? (5, 7.) _ _ _ _ T _ H _ _ _ _ N. (11a) The French father is a mythical character. (4) _ E _ _ . (17d) Looks...
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(1d) Seafood in digital form? (4, 7.) F _ _ _ F _ _ _ _ _ S. (8a) A kind, that is, of attack. (6) _ _ R _ I _ . (12d) Matter - of - fact effect of gravity on feathers. (4, 2, 5) D _ _ N _ _ _ _ R _ _...
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(25a) Have a go at street engagement. (5) _ _ Y _ T . (50a) Irish Mountain. (8) M _ _ E _ _ E _ ....
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2(d) Sean ____, 20th century song collector and broadcaster born in Belfast. (6) O _ O _ _ E 6(d) Scottish traditional music group. (6) O _ S _ A N 17(d) Heats up the dish. (5) A _ H _ T Last 3 - any...
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(13a) .... and resound as a band. (4) _ I _ G. (29a) Can be set with 13 on your mobile. (4) T _ N _ ....
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(17d) What kind of chicken is raised for its meat? (7) B R _ I _ E _ . (23d) _ _ _ _ Grub. Long - running radio sketch show. (4) G _ F _ ....
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(25a) Veers about Limerick. (5) _ _ R _ E. (33a) Spot the new Creek in Florida. (7) F _ _ C _ _ E ....
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(12a) Bear with the wee ones. (5) _ E _ D _ .
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Male Person :- BGHIILLNY
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(5d) Spread used by Homer perhaps. (5) M _ R _ E . (18a) Rank the sacred mantra during noise. (7) N _ I _ _ _ E . (43d) Looks like an old Peruvian is held by Heinz . (5) I _ C _ N ....
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(13a) A block of wood cut along the grain and with a design, illustration etc., incised with a knife, from which prints are made. (7) W _ O _ _ _ T. (14d) A person, especially a professional gambler,...
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(5d) Go into how the Woodworker lost a fish. (5) E _ T _ R . (27d) To beat this, give the locum a ring. (5) T_ _ _ O . (33a) Grins at length on board. (6) _ _ _ L _ S ....
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(4d) This may prompt one to write a letter in the altogether. (5) N_ D _ E. (12d) The furthest extent of one's astronomy course! (6) _ _ _ G _ E . (15a) What the Primate in Public Relations reads? (5)...
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(5d) Manoeuver the cattle in the west. (5) S _ E _ R . (7d) Taking spirits out with new company mixers. (8) E _ O _ _ I _ M . (8d) Gordon, an ex - Police man, involved in swindle perhaps. (5) _ T _ _...
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(8d) Grumpy Billy Goats perhaps? (5) _ R _ _ F. (17d) I played jazz around University College Bath. (7) _ _ C U _ _ I . (18a) Jerk oxygen into top man. _ _ R _ _ _ D. (20d) Pictures in the balance...
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(2d) Made it to the finals - but with certain reservations? (9) Q _ L _ _ _ _ _ D . (12a) Considerate communist? Something like that. (7) _ _ _ D _ E D. (13d) The speed at which a character is...
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(12d) Bring a blade, Father takes a horse with hesitation. (6) _ A _ G _ R . (28d) Note, the skater's placeis on edge. (5) B _ I _ K. (29a) Recognize that the head of a dahlia is what's worth...
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(9d) With friends the alien makes some fire irons. (9, 3) C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . (15a) Location for quiet needlework. (5) _ _ _ _ E . (21a) Have a thing about late hours. (5) _ _ _ _ T . (32d) A...
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Pertaining to the larger of two bones of the forearm. (5) U _ N _ R.
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(20d) Happening at the present time. (7) _ _ R _ E _ _ .

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