(25a) There's enough ore here for many a poem. (4) L _ _ E . (26a) One animal arrived ahead of fifty. (5) C _ _ _ L . (27d) Being bogged down, the doctor has anger at heart. (5) _ _ R _ _ . (35a) Have...
(2d) Arrive for a surprise. (4, 2.) _ U _ _ _ _ . (10a) 90's fantasy adventure whose sequels could have gone on and on. (3, 5 - 6, 5) _ H _ _ _ _ _ _ E _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ R _ . (18a) Part of a more...
(2d) Pigeon for the poet perhaps. (5) H _ _ E R . (15d) It looks a lot less when sister goes spare again. (7) S _ A _ S _ R. (40d) Charles ...... , former Irish cricketer born in Belfast. (6) M _ _ R...
(5a) United Nations take a bung to pull out the stops. (6) U _ _ L _ G. (13a) Sort of playboy from the athletic club on the hill. (5) A _ T _ R . (46a) Comic literary genre in medieval Ireland. (11) C...
(13d) The French have a right to a democratic ruler. (4) L _ _ R. (24a) It's growing right in the middle of the golf equipment. (4) _ R _ E. (32d) Be materially creative when getting a Pole in gear....
I found an old coin but I can't figure out what it actually is. It looks like Silver under the grime. On the front , it has the image of a Queen facing to the left. Around the image the following is...
Dear All, I hope you are well. We are hoping to put together a complete directory of all crosswords, puzzles and quizzes which The AnswerBank users participate in. We wondered if you could help our...
(47a) Frenchman fools lots of people. (6) _ A _ S _ S . (72d) No longer a child, Old king to make a confession. (7) _ _ _ _ _ _ . (82d) Peasant is quiet a long time. (4) P _ O _ . (87a) A sinew in the...
(9d) Oven dishes. (10) _ _ _ S _ _ _ _ _ S. (15a) Final position is serious. (5) _ _ _ _ E. (49a) A tinsel thing arranged for singing at Christmas. (11) _ E _ _ _ _ _ I _ _ _ . (56d) Footwear...
(37d) Sounds like a classic cosmic view. (3, 3, 5) S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S . (45a) Kerry's winter lodger. (3) _ _ _ . (46a) Cures can be found in Florida bay. (5) _ _ _ _ A . (57a) City of hand -...
(90d) Puts pounds, shillings and pence into it. (7) I _ _ _ _ _ _ . (100a) That is the peoples car you see. (4) _ _ _ _ (103a) Pride comes first in rugby tests. (6) A _ T _ M _ . (106a) Sounds like...