Hello, Can anyone suggest how I can go about blocking permanently someone most likely a scammer who keeps messaging me via WhatsApp. This person keeps mesaging me however they seem to keep changing... ...
Why was the Richard III post expunged - I spent several minutes compiling a perfectly reasonable response. Now all gone in the blink of an eye. Small wonder I never donate.
Jammy dodgers or choccie dodgers? Plain digestives or chocolate (plain or milk) ones? Oranges or apples? Crisps or tortilla chips? Chinese takeaway or Indian takeaway? Garden peas or mushy peas? Scones... ...
Why do people fall for this carp? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQI0qyliYio Ive done 4 prison sentences in this nick and its about as haunted as a teapot! Its now a museum/tourist... ...
Labour Support rises and has almost doubled .Since Keir Starmers Conference speech .A new poll. YouGove ,puts Labour well ahead of the Conservatives .This will be good news and provide a boost for... ...
Below are a couple of my favourite song titles, not the songs themselves just the titles, anyone like to add any? Drop kick me Jesus through the goal posts of life Things may come and things may go... ...
Hi folks ... anyone like to join me in Singing the Blues? I don't really feel blue but just wonder how many song titles there are out there with blue/s in the title? I'll kick off with the... ...
? Personally browse Chatterbank, Look in to Society and Culture and Religion. Occasionally News. Sometimes law Enjoy peoples differing opinions. Never look in Sport, gaming, home and garden, motoring... ...
Ok Naomi has just pointed out that someone I thought was a mod is not one. Any chance we could have some sort of indicator that tells us who actually is a mod?
Just 2 parsing queries :- 1) Saw book on establishment figure? (7) P?O?E?B. It's obviously PROVERB (saw) and book = B, but how does "establishment figure?" = PROVER? 2) Popular entertainment... ...
I have been unemployed for over a year with no luck of finding new employment, I recently turned 30 and for most my life I have put other before myself. I have this nagging unwavering urge to just... ...