Good Morning Everyone! Wordle 1,363 2/6 🟩🟩🟨🟨⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 Congratulations to Barry who gets the BA and also to FoxLee2 and MargoTester who both also solved yesterday's in 2!
Since BT discontinued all land line service here my mobile is my only phone, so I keep it switched on 24/7. Does this shorten the life of the battery? Also, is it better to let it go almost flat... ...
Just 2 parsing queries :- 1) Saw book on establishment figure? (7) P?O?E?B. It's obviously PROVERB (saw) and book = B, but how does "establishment figure?" = PROVER? 2) Popular entertainment... ...
Stuck again. I think I have all the letters right. I have AAEOOHNRTTTWW. You would think two Ws would make for a fairly easy anagram, but no. Any help wecome.
Help with 7 across needed please. Clue is "Boat funds return journey". I have "sloop" which is a boat and pools backwards but where does "journey" fit in?...
F g crossword 1202 2d , bird cluster around openings of large loaded feeding installation, 9 letters, B?L?F?N?H ,Looks like bullfinch but can't relate it to clue , thanks in advance for help
I'm currently getting severe pain in my shoulders and upper arms. After ruling out polymyalgia rheumatic and two frozen shoulders, it's been diagnosed as a worsening of my already existing arthritis....
Last 3 please can you help? The answers are types of bag or can precede the word bag
11. Us soldier has short measure (4)
35. Workers lunch (6)
38. Walker swaps right for left (6)...