Good evening, everyone. It's been a very sad week for me, as I've spent much of it searching for my beloved Tablo, whom I've not seen since last Saturday evening. I've done all of the usual things,... ...
I would love your thoughts on this! I have had a friend since university – 36 years- who only ever talks about his past break ups. he goes on and on and on and on. He rarely asks me any questions,... ...
Unfortunately I paid for a mattress via the above and very stupid of me I didn't look at the reviews. Now I am very concerned that I won't get my item. I did look at a post of 2017 and 2018 and... ...
After an absence of wearing nail varnish due to being a carer and so not bothering, i have started looking after myself again. Previously my varnish has stayed on quite a few days before chipping... ...
//Reuters issued a "kill notice" telling its clients not to publish the picture. The Associated Press (AP) sent out a "photo kill" email accusing the source of the image of "manipulating" the... ...
erm - I never watched Crufts except maybe some years back but was uncomfortable but didn't know why. Gave the show another go this year and whilst the dogs are extremely beautiful etc etc and well... ...
We have changed from BT to Fibrus. We got a letter saying ''Your email service will be downgraded to Basic email after 60 days.'' Can someone please explain what the difference will be, my husband... ...
I got my car last September and hurriedly got insurance which is £78 a month. £936 a year. Just hypothetically - if I was to get a lower quote from another insurance company - would it be worth my... ...
my daughter is nearly 12. She has been at secondary school for a term and a half. She is a rule follwer, but has trouble organising herself and is a last-minuter. there is a huge requirement for... ...
My sister is with above but I pay from my account. There has been certain situations but they are after sending me an email saying my Spend Cap is nought. What does this mean. Thanks
I have had home heating oil for many years now and always wanted to know - my little thermistat wheel in the outside boiler runs from figure 0-6. I would like to know what that would be in... ...
Have been using my debit successfully (it is only a month old since I changed banks) anyway there have been a few times when I go to buy something and then after inserting my payment details - I... ...
Over the years, I have become borderline diabetic, changed my diet and reversed it, and now I'm seemingly back up there again. i've cut out carbs and sweet food, which is what I did last time. But... ...