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lol but very well researched i have to say! V2 emailed me it is wardy
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I think, do your worst. he he he he
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hau kola
On our local news today there was a woman who threw a kitten up & down the stairs several times then shot it through the eye with an air rifle.It was all filmed on a mobile.It was shown on the news &...
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c'mon you finish it off.
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I am back, beware.
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I am nearly 15 and I have been having periods since the age of 12 they are normally in 5 week intervels but this time I finished my last period 7 week and 3 days. I have not been doing anything...
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V2 Schneider
Can you all please report joe-the-lion as an imposter. Whilst I am flattered that somebody feels the need to be me, there really is no substitute. As you are aware I NEVER SAY I AM BACK, people know....
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I'm heart-broken someone cheer me up

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