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Queues at Dover: I wonder how many of those caught up in the queues voted for Brexit. We travelled to France dozens of times when we were in the EU...
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Don't see this mentioned anywhere else, so;...
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When I do a wash cycle. I then have to do a 10 minute spin. That works. Any ideas ?
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Hey, I'm a 20 year old girl and im in a secret long distance relationship for over 2 years. I can't tell my parents about our relationship because they will not be happy to hear it. you may ask why,...
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Is it just me or is society these days just becoming more arrogant, unfriendly and self obsessed?
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ToraToraTora ...don't want to be shooting bad guys with dirty hands do...
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I put the wrong address on the Evri parcel label and can't find how to change it. Does anyone know how to do this as the website is useless.
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… two colonels and two lieutenant colonels among 150 Russian military killed in a single HIMARS strike in Kherson earlier. The general in question is General Nasbulin of the 22nd Army corps and the...
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I’m new to growing these,and have been given 4 by a reliable gardener, who gave me advice , but I forgot to ask about protection from slugs and snails.i have a puppy so pellets are out of the...
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Last night we were talking about putting rose wine in the Sodastream. Has anyone ever done this? I know it wouldn't turn out like traditionally fermented wine - we were just wondering and having a...
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Hi there the last couple of days i have had a really sore neck. I thought maybe tension or lying in bed wrong way. Today I spent a lot of time leaning over the computer. Tonight about 10pm I got this...
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I plan to use my new treadmill in my garage do to minimal space in the home. I live in Southern California. The temps during the summers days usually range from 90 to over 100. I intend to use the...
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Never really sat and watched it before, it's quite entertaining. I have noticed that the crowd sounds as though its mostly children, totally different crowd sound to the men's game. Why are they...
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ToraToraTora even if, and that is a big if, Rodders gets the keys to no 10, we are not rejoining the EUSSR. Better find another party peeps!...
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webbo3 How can a one year old baby fall from a window, sounds very suspicious to me, it can't walk so...
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In April (2022) I spotted a Google Maps car with the camera on the top travelling along my private drive, filming. Admittedly this private drive looks like a continuation of the public road. I flagged...
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….and so did Dominic Raab. More lies from the Tory heads. Why does Johnson only appoint sycophants and grovellers instead of people qualified for the...
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This year, my veg crops look very poor. Pale weak growth, and struggling to grow properly. The beans have lots of aphids and viruses, and the squash have hardly grown at all. I just wondered if anyone...
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There was a time when journalists risked life & limb to report on war stories from around the world. God help the BBC if this reporter were sent anywhere a teen fight might break out – he’d be suing...

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