1) the letter U with the word wealthy jumping out of it 2) eat OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF 3) TOUGH TENDER TENDER 4) Two hearts followed by the word... ...
debra quiz. All the answers are musical instruments. 41. Dismiss but follows on (7) Any help,especially clues, would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Couple of clues I am stuck on if anyone can help. 9 18 21, or 24 of these 7 letters Hides a golden ticket 19 and 3 letters Answers are a type of food and punctuation marks are included in... ...
If these stupid,ignorant women were from America I bet they wouldn't have taken the P out a member of their armed forces and particularly in front of an armed US cop. As guests here they shopuld... ...
Just turned the TV on and a problem with all the Beeb Channels - the sound working but the screen mainly flashing green and purple. ITV and all the upper channels are fine. Anybody else... ...