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trying to find a standard toobar for chrome the one that is just words across the top "file, edit, view, history, etc ive searched the customise bit, the tools, etc and also the add ons _ i cant find...
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weird one i consider myself to have good common sense and a great problem solver - i naturally think through issues and work them out - its actually part of my job to be able to figure out a fast way...
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Ive had a varicose vein in my nose thats bled on and off for 20+ years, last few years it began to bleed again, and the constant picking out the crusty blood, scabs, blowing, wiping etc, has resulted...
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Does anyone know what the MOT rules are this time? Is there another extension? The Gov site is a bit vague. I also have asthma but haven't been 'officially' told to shield by my docs but obviously I...
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we all know american and english pronunciations can be weird - but how did 'sig-jest' for suggest happen? the changes made were to supposedly make the language simpler (nothing to do with ink costs)...
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weird question i know. years ago i has a bad nose bleed and had no choice but to let it fill a glass. i put the glass down and when i went back to it, it had congealed completely and was like a...
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I know most people think of MS Word, but i know there are loads of others with more functionality. I'm looking for one that does more than basic spell checks, full grammar, readability, NOT something...
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i watch films on my laptop & i am forever having to adjust the volume because there will be a loud bit, then it'll go bakc to normal again is there any kind of software that will slightly dampen these...
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my mum has an old laptop thats clogged up with crap & annoys her because it goes slow sometimes, but she wont clean it, or restart it - ever, or even restart her browser - i keep telling her she needs...
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I remember him from years ago, is he still around?
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I need to 'fix' my mums computer - she's old and basically its a clogged up mess, so im going to set up remote access and then remove all her stuff, wipe it, and reset to factory settings and put her...
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I know Windows 10 comes with one in the settings but to use it you need to go into settings every time - i have sensitive eyes & i am forever using the Dimscreen app & having to use the night light...
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ive been put on new medication for pain, Gabapentin, and its given me double vision - but mainly at a distance. im ok with close up, but it means driving has obviously now become an problem. i am...
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NB - I know how to pronounce it I'm just curious abous the 2 different ways - Jen you inn - and - jen you eye-n i googled but obviously its a bit hard to type this in and get a useful answer i thought...
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Does anyone know why this may be happening? Is there a setting on twitter i can change to make them watchable within Twitter? i have to click on them and go to Youtube to watch them. the video just...
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i like series that are basically 'normal' life but with a twist, like a supernatal or fantastical twist - such as Misfits, Being Human, Glitch, etc Basically anything that is not 'normal' happening to...
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specifically - i like to do jigsaws on my laptop, while watching videos and surfing the net etc - all the same time. problem is, i can adjust most windows to the size, shape and position i want them...
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yet again i have loaded up my drives with unnamed photos, copies of thing, - basically its really badly organised main issue is fear of losing stuff so i end up keeping copies but not know where and...
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i put a hard drive from an old comp in a new comp - and there is a One Drive folder full of my stuff - that i cant access ... ive tried to move it out, copy it, move it out of the folders within the...
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I have 2 hard drives - c drive contains OS but its only 300gb, so i want to store my music on my other drive the D drive. But - i want the music to be visible in the C drive music library how can i do...

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