surely this is wrong, question to contestant, what car was Issigonis famous
for, she answered Mini, as i did....
Bradley said wrong, it was Morris Minor, who is right?...
I was just sat here thinking, imagine if you walked out of your house, down the road, and came face to face with a bear!
Is there anything you should or shouldn't do, when faced with a bear?...
Which sporting venues have you been to which astonished you on first sight? They didn't look how you imagined from the telly. As a kid, I was amazed that the tennis courts at Wimbledon were the same...
Here’s a question for you mathematically minded readers I want to build some steps out of blocks to get to the top of a platform 250 feet high I want the top of the steps to be level with the top of...
Pope Benedict XVI has promised 'unconditional reverence and obedience' to his successor. What a ghastly thought! Can you imagine yourself making such a promise to anyone?
I would like to know the name of a type of model railway I had as a lad in the early 60's. It was smaller than 00 gauge. It was neither electric or clockwork. The locos and rolling stock were die cast...
Unfortunately, my mother is no longer alive so I cannot ask her the origin of a little phrase she used when I was younger. I'm hoping someone here may be able to help... The phrase was "nim shy room...
Every time I open a new page in AnswerBank, Norton blocks a "Malicious Image Attack" from I will not use AnswerBaank untin this is sorted....
Looking at the local news surrounding the finding of the remains of Richard 111, all the Protestant church people are up in arms claiming that their church should be the final resting place of his...
Somewhere in the Bible, I think it is in the New Testament, there is a mention of someone chastising another for greeting him in the street. Can anyone point me to the chapter and verse please?
One of my neighbours hubby has died after a long illness and she's in the middle of arranging his funrtal, she wants her grandsons and sons to be Pallbearers, she asked me last night how many...
Again on tonights news was a story about a rail death, how is anyone but the person or persons killed to blame? there are usually lights, bells or sirens, and a large notice warning of the danger, and...
Is anyone familiar with Temple Meads station sufficiently to advise how easy it is to find the platform for a connection to Bath Spa please? I am trying to find a plan of te station on here, but so...