Hi, I am really puzzled. Is the answer to 12)across-simon's worked with less energy,gaining agility, (11) L?S?O?E?E?S. Is it LISSOMENESS? My dictionary spells it without the first E. If 21)down is...
Hi. answer please to 5)across:- in front of lake,another old toy. (4) D?L? . I guess it must be DOLL but why. My apologies to whoever previosly answered this question , but Answerbank have apparently...
Hi, I am struggling today with the bottom right corner. Answers please for 29)across (8) Ulster's invested french money for mental illness ???????S. 31)across (8) hard-working union infiltrates...
Hi, I am struggling with the bottom right corner. Help please with 31)across (8) get warm coat in sales perhaps around weekend ?E?????N 26)down (5)young woman's smart kid in front C?I?? and 27)down...
Hi, help please with18)across (10) lady getting up a point is not hopeful U?A?P?R???. I am 75% confident that the second from last letter is N. UNINSPIRANT or UNINSPIRING fit but neither are on my...
Hi, Answers and explanations for my last two please. 23)across(7) harry asks about Queen mostly,so informer says. S?U???S and 20)down (5) writer sent in unconvincing revolutionary message E???L.Kind...
Hi, I am really struggling today. help appreciated on 10,11,15,17,20 & 24 across and 5,7,8,12,14,18 &21 down. If I can help anyone else with the rest please ask. Kind regards, John.
Hi, answers please for 21)down (3,3) system of printing in black preserving potassium I??/?E? If the answer to 24)across is KOWTOW the first word must be INK. 25)down (4) powerful man in temple...
Hi, answers please to 4)down just two notes in descending order (4) ?E?E and 12)down vagabond to race over an opening in the wall. (8) R?N?G?T? Is there such a word as renegate? (the T is from...
Hi, anwers please for 21)across (5) we object to bad smell first from decayed mould ?U???. 11) down (10) ignored it being at a reduced price ???T???T?D many thanks, John