All the detail is here: Copenhagen have provided a perfectly good commentry in English. Why does the BBC have to overdub some Irish prats -...
not very good at phone apps and although I've read them I still don't know the difference between these 2, I'm going to Turkey in June and wanted to talk to my family at home in the UK, which one...
Watching TV in bedroom last night - couldn't get subtitles - when I went to menu - menu had went into a foreign language. I had lang on remote control but since I can't understand what language is I...
The old saying" they are a pain where you have no window", what "celeb" do you find a pain, I'll start with Helen Mirren always playing on the Queen scenario!!...
Apparently Turkish Visa in now valid for 6 months. What is the procedure when returning to Turkey during the 6 months - do you go straight to Passport Control? Any advice would be appreciated....
as anyone been in the airport lounge at Manchester with holiday shorts on ? it say's in the rules no shorts, no football shirts, (this is just for the men.)
Hi. This is my first mobile I have had that I am actually using the internet on, so I am a bit hopeless in knowing how to sort some things out!! Samsung Galaxy S3. I recently installed an app called...
I had to go to Bristol on Tuesday for 2 nights, and chose the travelodge anchor rd. We arrived pretty late, 12 midnight, and knackered, after long day. Woke up next day to discover there wasnt any...
... if you left the UK? I have a friend in Kuwait [of all places] who needs to compile a list of quintessentially British foods that you would really miss if you left these shores. Preferably snack...
Has anyone paid for Easyjet Speedy Board only to find it doesn't exist as you understand it? Last week my wife and I were flying back from Budapest and at the gate there was a call for Speedy Board...
You can watch live here:
What would you say, given the chance to speak at the Funeral?
Here's a round up of previous discussions:
Going to take the grand kids to Manchester Science Museum on the train, after we get of at Piccadilly what's the best way to get there, can we catch a tram or underground or is the bus better ?...
FROM: Dear PayPal client, You have received this email because you or someone had used your account from different locations. For security purpose, we are required to open an... out of interest, does anyone know the evidence against...