My dad spilt a huge puddle of washing up liquid on the seat of my car. I am about to sell the car and want to get rid of the mark because it looks like someone has wet themself on the seat. If I try...
Hi, please help we're trying to find a UK stockist that sell's (mister monkey) he is a battery/wind up toy monkey wearing a fez and playing cymbals
Can someone sum-up the criteria of eligibility for Incapacity Benefit? I lost a leg recently (careless, I know) and have just heard of another guy in not dissimilar circumstances who cops ?350 a month...
At work we are doing some team building events at a circus school. For the best team we want to give a small prize for each person - any ideas on circus related gifts?
Its my parents ruby wedding anniversary this year. I am wondering what to get them. They are 62 and 59 and I am 20 years old. Any suggestions welcomed.
Thanks xxx
What does everyone think is better ? Soya or Quorn products? Or are they pretty much the same? I ask because I think I'm slowly converting to vegetarianism, the thought of eating meat just doesn't...
I want to do an evening class after work in London and I was wondering whether any one had any suggestions for something interesting and unusual. I don't want to do any languages and I'd...
Just to let you all know that twiggers is poorly, bless him and you know what that means girls, hes twice as bad as what any of us would have it!!!! seriously tho hes been really sick tonight,...
Did someone mention birthdays? My daughter is 0 years old today. Yay woo houpla! Eclipses the day I got married in terms of happiness. Recommend it to anyone. If you're ready for it of course.
Sorry to post this as a question, but ... At last I have become a parent. 7.05am Sunday morning. 7lb 3oz. A baby girl. Mum and baby are doing well. Both beautifiul. Dad has just whetted (sp?) the...
seeing goodsmeister' post set me thinking whats the worst / corniest record in your collection i ahve loads of real tosh i will give three stars if you got same record in your single collection
ok so i am a 38yo male who is going "grey"... very fast....... and i am going grey "all over" what should i do? accept it and use it as my "new best feature"? see my doctor incase its a sign of a...
Yesterday in my garden I was drive bombed by a huge yellow flying thing.It was about 5cm long,bright yelllow/orange and black stripes,huge orange wings,buzz like very loud bee.and had an orange...
There are a group of women and girls who all seem to dress the same, all have long hair with no fringe, and they wear a small triangular head scarf, often blue. They seem to be from a religious group...
Go on, have a shot in the dark. The first 20 suggestions for songs that are in my collection of CDs, vinyl and tapes will receive 3 stars and will go on a compilation for my mate. Oh, and the artist...