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What could have possessed a man to murder a pregnant woman and her unborn child? 886.stm
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As part of the reforms to Government should we make it a legal requirement for any party standing for election for the UK government to allow membership of their party to any UK citizen? No elected...
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Another rat leaves the sinking ship of Gordon Browns Government. .stm How much longer can he remain Prime Minister?
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The UK High Street's biggest chemist chain, Alliance Boots, has confirmed former HBOS boss Andy Hornby as its new chief executive. Mr Hornby, in charge of HBOS at the time of the bank's near-collapse...
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Voters in Leeds + Manchester have helped to elect two BNP members to the European Parliament. Should those voters be admired for exercising their democratic rights? Or should they be roundly condemned...
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UKIP improve on their 2004 result which at the time was derided as some sort of fluke. They claim they would have done even better had the debate not been dominated by the expenses fiasco, so is UK...
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How is it possible to starve a seven year old child to death in Britain today with no one noticing anything? ds/8084972.stm
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President Obama has called for new beginnings in the relationship the west has with Muslims around the world. Can the two groups reconcile their differences and importantly, do either side really want...
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Well I haven't found anyone yet to admit to voting for LIB/LAB/CON so are we on course for a minor party...err party!
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They have us on a list and then write down the ballot number. Why do they save this information, presumably the data is stored on a database somewhere for future leaking to the press or other witch...
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Can anyone find a photograph of Hazel Blears where she's not wearing a self satisfied smirk? I've searched images on Google and there don't seem to be any.
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It's 40 years since Armstrong said the famous line, he apparently claimed he said that it was "One small step for A man....". The tapes have been analysed and he definately said the former but...
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this Country to be in a worst state of political turmoil since the Profumo affair? Will you vote tomorrow?
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anotheoldgit cle-1190252/Drugs-mule-Briton-Samantha-Orobato r-appears-Laos-court-claims-got-pregnant-avoid -death-penalty.html Samantha Orobator, 20, from south...
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There are calls to make the MMR jab compulsory before children can attend state schools. Apparently, this is the case in the USA, Spain and most states in Australia....
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Studies indicate that eating curry regularly may reduce the risk of developing dementia as chemicals within the spices prevent the build up of the plaque proteins responsible for the degeneration....
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Today's Guardian editorial says about it's time for Labour to 'Cut Gordon Brown loose'. Do you agree? un/02/editorial-gordon-brown-labour
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Who do you think is the worst Prime Minister of modern times, ie post war. I can't decide between Tony Blair or Gordon Brown. Blair had much longer to f**k up the country but Brown has done equally...
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Saw this woman interviewed on 5 news last night . Doesn't appear to be the sharpest tool in the box but I think it's an absolute disgrace .
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Nick Clegg, the Liberal Democrat leader, wants MPs to be subjected to a Westminster "lock in" throughout the summer until all three major parties agree on sweeping reforms to clean up Parliament. Mr...

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