Has anyone managed to find the green robin in the M&S ad? No wonder he has turned green with the ice and the snow, however, I can't find him anywhere!!
Hello! Can anyone help with my final two clues, please? 19d New sketch of Ruby found by boat (7) I have r?d?a?t and 20d Cast assistant's cupboard (7) I have d?a?s?r Thank you.
17) Robbers take their leave (7) _ E _ A _ _ _ 19) American sitcom starring comedienne Ms DeGeneres (5) E _ _ _ N 1) Citadel in Athens on which famous temple in Athens stands (9) A C R O P O L I S 14)...
Hello! Can anyone help with 19d , please? Part of car needs to be looked into (6) ?i?r??, also 26a Researcher, not Roman Catholic, arranged run through (8) ?e?e???e. Many thanks.
Can anyone help with some answers for the DT please, I am really stuck today.23a Right quartet in article doing well (8) I do not have anything yet. Also 21a Expose twisted lead initially exasperating...
Hello! I have sent this once but heaven only knows where it ended up!! I am stuck on what, I am sure must be two straightforward clues. Can anyone help, please ? 9d Insert fashionable song (5) I have...
Hello! Really stuck on two clues. ia Piquant sauce (7) ??t?h?p (could be ketchup??) and 1d Art of bluffing or deception (8) I have ??d?l?g? If ia is ketchup then 1d starts with a k. Many thanks, folks
Hello! Busy weekend and I have only now got around to the crosswords! Can anyone help with 7d please...Frank's stirring rather hot tea (5-2-5) I have h?a?t ?o ?e?r? and also 28a Military advisers in...
Hello! Can anyone help me with one corner, please?5d Prop certain to sound more costly (5,2) I have s?o?e ??. 16a Well-liked turn in part of East London (7) ??p?l?? and finally 8d Hotel that is right...
I cannot believe the mess I am making of todays quick crossword! 1a Hastily reverse one's opinion (4-5) I have b?c? ????? and Roman Infantry unti (6) ?e?i?? Many thanks for any help.