Stuck on last few any help much appreciated. 20a Characteristic spirit 5 letters -T-O- 17a Device on a VDU screen 6 letters -U-S-R 36d Spiking 9 letters D-C---ING 44d Make a hissing noise, or fade...
Yet again last two
16d (8) One looking to the future admitting son may become religious writer
26a(8)Restrained old hooligan given anaesthetic (xxTxCxExEx)...
29a A glossy durable black lacquer originally from the orient (5)
39a A former duchy on the Jutland peninsula, ow divided between Denmark and Germany (9)
Thanks in advance...
11a) River lies west of Russian waterway, in the country (5) 13a) Monster for Hardy novel (5) 17a) Buffer car? (6) 19A) Turkey's suspended attachment of power unit by the French (6) 21a) Acute pain...
8a) Going ahead with illegal roof-stripping (6,3,4) 12a) Former office-holder having taken orders? (5) 16a) Nottinghamshire maid turned tail in boat yard (6) 18a) Heidi, an animation with pivotal part...
Hello I have been trying until now and finally must admit defeat please help 3d Point of least difference between high and low water 4,5ltrs N?A? T?D?S 19d Alone and unhappy 7 ltrs ?O?L?R? 28d Person...
Stuck on last few 17d (2-6) Involved person admitting Home Office failures NxHxxxx 23a (8) Sat,agitated with phone going off in carriage Sxaxhxxx 25a (6) Ambassador taken in by right wing supposition...