5d sandwich bishop found with trace of damage round it --mouse may have moved it (6-3) 14a body shops task producing puffs about German flower aroma primarily (5-7) 13d it may be amusing to expose...
Goes down fasgt with a lack of calming drugs, not having a temperature (9) N?S???V?S 15 ac. Inadvertently reveak the French doctor in Jersey perhaps(3.4) L?T ???P 3 down Inauspicious occasion when one...
1 across Firebrands stirred up maturer blokes(13)????????A?E?S 8 down Whipped chocolate drunk all day (6.3.5) ?R???? THE ????? 28 across Austens work is subject of study taken in my male and female...
Last one 28a
Wooden ; booby prize in the classical tripos at Cambridge University equivalent to the wooden spoon (5) ?e?g? (WEDGE?)
thanks in advance...
for 19a i put in Knoxville and 20d not sure on the spelling i read it as lliad but if that is correct Knoxville is wrong, so think i'm not reading question properly, please can someone enlighten me,...
1 Down Perform vocally in angry speech having a quarrel (8-6) 22 Across For example,test maiden and a powerful male forming a relationship (11) 19 Across Very happy story backed by Editor (6) Thanks...
Stuck on one
6d Shovel and pick worker's reserved (7) B?S?F?L bashful ??
15ac Sports administrators note celebrity (4) F?M? I assume fame is the answer with the football association...
good morning I am not sure of this one
7d roscoe....... US silent film actor of the early 20th century 5 & 8 letters
is it fatty arbuckle is that too obvious?
many thank in advance...
Last few??
1A (8) take over from endlessly flexible worker (s??p?a?t) is it supplant?
9a 8) Hazy blue liquid no American has consumed (n?b??o?s)
14d (9) Angry remark that should make you think...
Machine recording bodily changes (9)
intended for anyone to see, hear or or know (6)
church official with two European articles (5)
Thank you for your support...
1a manager plunged into Eastern sea showing relief(8) 5a dish for alcoholic drink(6) 11a work too hard to get public a vote(7) 12a king rejected an extremely wicked activity (7) 18a London police...
5a dish for alcoholic drink(6)
12a king rejected an extremely wicked activity(7)
25a get hold of backward looking people who like fairies(7)
still struggling !...