I took my sister to Pets at Home yesterday to buy a new hamster as hers died of old age a few days ago. Anyway there was only one dwarf hamster left so we got it. It was very friendly yesterday so she...
I read an article on the guardian website the other day about half of all gynacaelogy doctors would opt for a caeserian rather than a natural birth due to risks. there was this horrible quote by a dr...
Hi, I've only just passed the 8 wk mark (Friday) and the nausea kicked in last MOnday - feel really rubbish. The wierd thing is, the only thing that takes it away is eating! Isn't that a bit odd?...
Okay so at 25 weeks we went for a gender ultrasound and we were told it was a boy. BUT what do you all think from the picture? could it be a girl we are just seeing the umbilical cord. Im having a...
Hello. Just wondered if anyone out there has had experience from using a Tesco Pregnancy test? Are they reliable? I've used one today as period is quite a few days late and it came up negative. Just...
Not really a question just a moan and an update! Nancy is one week old today! She's lovely and eats and sleeps really well, she's lost a little weight and hated having her heel prick test this morning...
Hi everyone, Got another question about babies and cats before I make my final decision to get one. (a cat that is, not another baby!) I was talking to someone yesterday and mention we were possibly...
Thanks everyone for yor advice and support esp Red for the contraction timer! I went to the hospital at 9 on tuesday night, 13 hours after my 1st contraction and was pleased to be told I was already...
I have a 60L cold water tank and at the mo 6 goldfish/shubunkins I've had 2 of them for about 18 months 3 others for about 6months and one for just over a week the newest seems the healthiest and I'm...
Always on the look for a great curry recipe and i admit i have made some boo boos!!! some not spicy and some watery my son always says its too weak and watery, well going to blow his mind tonite! its...
Ok, only a week to go and have sooo many things I've only just thought to ask, so here goes: 1.) I've been advised to have an epidural coz of my heart condition, but I wanna know how much of the birth...
I sent this to a few of you on FB, but thought it was worthy of being on here! It'll cheer you up, honest!!!!! ;0)))))))))))))) http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=EM2CORdyv8k
My car has just been written off and I need to know how much it is now worth. The garage where it has been taken refuses to tell me how much it is worth as they say they can only legally tell the...
A man enters a barbershop for a shave. While the barber is foaming him up, he mentions the problems he has getting a close shave around the cheeks. "I have just the thing," says the barber, taking a...
My flooring needs replacing and I can't decide whether to replace with carpet or go for laminate.I would think that laminate is easier to keep clean but some say it's cold and not very homely.Which do...
Hi all, I'll cut a very long complicated story short..... My Brother has a 3 year old Daughter by a one night stand & as awful as this sounds doesn't want contact. His ex (who is a complete nutcase,...