http://www.dailymail....-letters-pour-in.html I think the begging letters are the least concern myself. These idiots have only themselves to blame for going public. I fail to seehow this money is...
Uuurgh im so mad! I have 100% feedback....looks like it will be less now. Its in a dispute with paypal. I sold a £70 dress for £24! worn once cos zip didnt work when on. Zip worked fine...
I obtained a criminal record for possession of marijuana with intent to supply when I was 16. I am now 18 and have no intention of visiting the US, but wonder whether, in the future, I should be able...
got a new handset last week. First time we have had one in this house. Have always had broadband for x box live though. Plugged phone in and no ring tone. Having engineer out tomorrow but they said if...
I have been a Dubonnet fan since i could legally drink nearly 40 years ago. I bought a bottle recently and it definitely tastes and smell different and not for the better. it me or have they...
Does anyone know what their arrangements are.. what the contribution rates are for their pensions. Are they going to have a pension review on the same terms as that proposed for public sector workers?
http://www.dailymail....milys-fuel-bills.html Is Lord Lawson correct and a waste of money? China still turns out coal fired power stations and is the worlds worst polluter. So why are we sacrificing...
Answers please to q1 Orwell should avoid this place... q2 Ah-haa....there is nothing we can do... q3 ....a man after midnight q4 In England it is a family line, in America it is an unpleasant way to... /// Amman, 30, who claims to come from Afghanistan, said: “If we try to claim asylum in France we are treated like dogs. Nobody respects us and we...
My daughter and her fiance are going to Amsterdam next week. Does anyone know if they have to register API? They have asked the travel agent and the airline and both said no, but we would like to make...
We are about to have our loft insulated. It has been done before, but apparently it's not thick enough! We currently have the loft boarded, but due to the thickess of the new insulation, we won't be...
My husbands wages are paid into the bank by bacs on the last day of the month. This month the last day is on a Tuesday, but the Monday is a Bank Holiday. Does anyone know if the money will go in on...