Hi still struggling with 16a airless & hot. Arid doesn't fit at all. If either explicit or implicit is correct for 10d then 16a would either start with x or m.if anyone can help
I have three to get, but not sure of answers
92d Bodily substances said to influence mood (8) h-r---e-
95d Passed (time) (5) -p--- spans?
109a Very closely (8) --r---l-...
43d shape on a potters wheel(5)t-r-w
51d agreement(8)c-i-e--a
93a maximum allowance(5)-i--t
111a sporting fixture(5)--t-h
99d figure of speech thats as dead as a dodo eg.(6)s---l-...
39a - Remain faithful to? (5)
A _ _ _ E
33d - Easily frightened (8)
S _ _ _ _ I S H
44a - Type of small nail (5)
C _ O _ _
Any help much appreciated....