having much difficulty with to-day's Herculis. 2d looks as if it should be Fats Domino and 13a is surely Carat but the two do not fit together.Where have I gone wrong, please ?
Stuck on last two. 26a silver or bronze coin of ancient Rome (8) I have - - S - - R -E and 24d Wild or exciting adventure; scrape (8) for which I have - - - A - A - E Help welcome.
4d In zoology, having many feet or foot-like parts (7). I have P-L-P-D Could someone, please, confirm POLYPED as I cannot find this word in any of my dictionaries.
21d In biology, a cell physically identical to another with which it unites to form a zygote (9). I have -S---M-T- Also stuck with 26a To allow an idea or plan to develop in the mind (7). I have...
5d Role created for us dancer Arthur Mitchell by George Balanchine for the New York City Ballet (4). I have -G-N but believe the answer should be PUCK so I must have something wrong. Help appreciated.
A few minutes ago I posted a query about 1a and 1d. I have received three E-mails from Answerbank stating there are answers to my query No. 373776 but I cannot trace the question nor the answers when...
Stuck on two. 1a rock-like objects consisting of small celestial bodies fallen to earth (10). I have ---E--I-E- also 1d Aromatic Mediterranean plant with small, pale purple flowers and sweet scented...
27a Semiaquatic tropical american lizards with an inflatable head crest. I have -A-I--S-S but this looks all wrong if the answer is anything to do with iguanas.
For sometime past I have wondered whether hyphens,, apostrophes etc. play an important part in the adjudication of linked solutions. Last week's Herculis clue for 30a was "Person who took part in the...
Stuck with two and think I must have something wrong. 40a slurred or muted omission of a sound in a word, syncope and aphesis are special cases of this (7). I have E---I-N. Also 35d An expression,...
52a Arab kingdom on the Red Sea (6) I have -O-D-N Having lived in Addis Ababa for a year and thought I had visited all Red Sea territories it is with embarrassment I seek help on this one.
Cannot solve 10d Method of recovering money owed in a court case by ordering a third party who owes money to the defendant to pay it directly to the plaintiff (9). I have -A-N-S-E-. Also 47a Apparatus...
I am stuck with two. 5d one of the Greek Islands that is not known as a tourist destination (6) Also stuck with 25a German Jew or one of east European descent (9) I have A-H-E-A-I
23d Have -A-C-I-F- 7a Series of Himalayan peaks whose highest point is 26,538 ft (8) I have -N-P-R-A Looks like anapurna but normal spelling is "annapurna"