I am doing a tabletop sale on saturday with various home made cake etc. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas i could use to sell some cheap home made produce other than cakes? Im not much of a...
anyone watch it? the gorgeous jasmine harman had me hooked. a moving story of what appeared to be a genuine illness (disposophobia). but i really don't know how they had the patience. i would have...
First again, you lot really must try harder. A cracking sunset here on the Plain last night followed by a good view of the ISS as it passed overhead. Tonight on BBC1 at 20.00 is VILLAGE SOS, and it is...
I have just put a load of washing in the machine but found I had run out of fabric conditioner. However I have several bottles of hair conditioner so I have bunged some in the fabric conditioner...
And welcome to a brand new week. Yep this is where we do it all over again, now hasn't that just cheered you up, and to put you all in a good mood I have changed my av to bring on the good weather,...
When someone with dementia gets to the stage that they're starting to forget basic things, like using a knife and fork, does it tend to go downhill rapidly?
I really dont no what too do. I am 9 weeks pregnant. I am 28 yrs old. 2 1/2 months ago i had a bad accident and broke 18 bones, nearly all have healed apart from my pelvis which is taking its time....