I am hoping to get onto one either next year or the year after. Does anyone know what time demands are like in the first year? What sort of lecture hours? Thanks.
It was recently discovered via x-ray that my coil is not in the cervix or womb but 'somewhere in my pelvic cavity'. This was my first check since the fitting (which was very painful after) My question...
My husband will be taking a new job in Leeds. Can anyone point me in the direction of good area's or area's to avoid. We ideally don't want to live in the city, so don't mind a reasonably short...
Please help me! I splashed oil from the chip pan onto my favourite pair of jeans. i immediately rubbed them with washing up liquid and water then put them in the washing machine. the grease is still...
Can anyone give me a rough idea of what it would cost to build a 3-4 bed house. I know costs must vary greatly, but if there is a typical average figure that would do. I don't have the vaguest idea....
What on earth was going through his head to put chicco through? ok the girls were awful and were so out of tune but god put them through anyday before that joker, this has to be a fix for...
Want to use a pkt of frozen prawns which are two weeks past the Best Before date. thought that would be no problem but am concerned that the bag appears to be "blown"i.e. quite solid...
Does anyone watch loose women. I enjoy it when Coleen Nolan is on and Jane McDonald. not forgetting Kay Adams. The only trouble is its on at the wrong time for me. Usually its time to walk the dogs.
Sometimes when I go to the toilet for a number 1, it has a strong smell. It happens to my boyfriend aswell and he describes the smell as 'sugar puffs!' Does this happen to anyone...
Any new parents out there? Did you chose to know the sex of your baby before they were born or did you choose to hold on and wait for the birth. And afterwards, did you wish you had choosen otherwise?
Prob in the wrong section but,can anyone remember the name of these toys;they were like money boxes but in various animal shapes such as a swan who's wings opened up to put stuff in,and there was an...
I get periodic bruises which don't hurt usually on my legs. They are very bright red- like blood spots under the skin, and fade quickly. I know I should see the Doc, but doesn anyone know what might...