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truck doctor
we need to convert the rear indicators of a 2001 lincoln town car   to full EC compliance . How does the existing indicator wiring interact with the brake lamp circuit . any sugestions on...
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I need to get an orange phone unlocked so i can put my o2 sim in to it! Where can i get this done in newcastle and how much will it cost?
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I just bough a 1988 Lincoln Towncar, and since I'm not blessed with a garage I'd like to know what I can buy to protect the leather on the outside from sun and wind. Can I do it myself or should I...
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Does anyone know how long Air mail actually takes? I placed a CD order which was shipped on Monday. Just wondering when it may arrive?
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my o2 immisions read .6 the legal limit is .3 ive changed the lambre switch as advised by garage but it still smokes.any ideas
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Where can I buy (in shops, not online) mens jeans with a waist size of 28"? All the shops I've tried start at a size 30"
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my computer is making short constant bleeps and it gets really annoying when listening to music?
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Hi all. Im on MSN (.net) , my friend is on AOL and some of my family are on yahoo. Is there a messenger that can handle all different providers?
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Is hotmail the best free email service?
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Can you settle this debate? A friend of mine believes that there are only a handful of countries where a TV licence is NOT required. I believe the opposite is true, that the UK is only one of a...
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Flicking between our mutiple remote controllers to try and get Channel 5 through the digi box. Successfully worked the DVD player earlier today - the technology gods smiled on me but have abandoned me...
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can anyone remember how to make (or a site that does) those things that you made as a kid. You used to put two fingers in each side and it had numbers on the top, you picked a number and counted it...
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I want to get the equivalent of a pre-nup drawn up. My partner is moving in and I want it to be legally binding that he will have no claim on the house if we split up. (Hopefully not!) The house and...
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Why at every traffic hold up is there a Mini Metro at pole position. How on earth did they get there in the first place ??
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I'm sure the people uploading from me are slowing down my own downloads! Am I right?
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a diode that gives off light
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i want to wipe my computer and install windows 98, I have a dodgy win 98 second edition and it won't let me install win 98
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I think I have a squirrel in my loft. You cant see it but you can hear it scratching about. Any idea on how to get rid of it.
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annette tula
There is an advert on at the moment with the song "The end of the world. who was the original singer
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What does the German word "Kompressor" mean

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