What's the best sandwich shop/coffee bar you've ever been to? What was it called and where was it? What was so special about it? What does it take to impress you when your out buying a spot of lunch...
Hi, Isplit with my husband in feb this year. We had a houseto together which is in joint names ....My husband is still living in the house, we have a daughter together which i have topay all child...
If head lice are air breathing little creatures, how come you can't just lie down in the bath for 20 minutes and kill them all. Instead I am told I need a bottle of chemicals costing 10 quid every...
HI, Im in England and have bought a mis-represented item off ebay from a guy in Jersey. As the item was sold for 1p but the postage was ?150 I have no recourse via paypal etc and despite Special...
hi, have i missed the episode where loius walsh was like chuckin water over this girl with short hair? i seen it on the "coming next week bit" but then it wasnt on ths saturday. is my mind really...
i am splitting up with my wife, we have agreed to shared access of our 2 children aged 14 and 10, in that i will have them for 7 days then she will have them for 7, we both work fulltime, what is the...
I have been single with 2 children for over a year. I am quite happy in my own space but can't help feeling time is slipping by and I am miising out on something. I sometimes feel I don't have time to...
One of my friends has recently decided to become a vegetarian (but still eat fish), cutting out things like gelatin too, although still keeping a leather coat and shoes. my question is, do you think...
My neighbour said the house she is renting is not suitable for children because her daughter cannot scribble on the walls. What do you think? As it I didn't know.
I have 2 daughters, aged 4 and 2, my 4 year old has had headlice now for about 6 months, (from school) now my 2 year old has them bad too, i've tried EVERYTHING that the chemist can sell, I comb their...
A close friend has told me she has cancer. It's not the first time. She had it a few years ago, was treated for it and seemed to have recovered. Now it has re-appeared in a different part of her body....
I went to the Surrey Downs today. On the way back I stopped in a pub, and there was a girl there, nice looker, legs all over the place, and she happened to talk to me while I was waiting for the...
I rent my house via a private letting agency. The standard tennantcy agreement states no pets. The agency have done a couple of inspections in the past and don't seem to mention the large gerbil house...
my friend has recentley been driving to work without insurance, yesterday accidently i came off my push bike and went straight into his car!! causing minimal amount of damage(small scratch!!!!!) he...