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Khandro I have been looking at translations of some ancient Chinese texts & I see these two characters keep reoccurring in the originals. Does anyone know what they represent please?...
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Khandro and would sqad have insisted it should only be be applied by a doctor ?...
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I have been previously against allowing Shamima Begum to return back to England, but having read this article - which in turn relates to a film called 'The Return', available on SKY and NOW TV (which...
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In building the hexagrams in I Ching, 50 yarrow sticks are used, these are made from a plant/flower/shrub (I don't know) What exactly is Yarrow & does it grow here in the west please?...
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Which is the healthier?
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Whatever happened to them ? In times passed, everybody seemed to have one.
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With the current craze for the historical discrediting of many people of the past, many of whom had only a rather tenuous connection to slavery, why is the name of Muhammad never mentioned, his...
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So, I bought the Amazon Firestick connected it up to the router via the TV & it fails to acknowledge my Netflix & YouTube accounts. So it's installed on the TV, but asks me to subscribe to them. I had...
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I'm trying to reset the password for my router, I have to reset it to factory settings. It tells me it will take up to 5 mins to gather the information & to be patient, but while I'm waiting Chrome...
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I can watch YouTubes on my PC without ads & and hinderance, but when I try to watch, them on my smart (Panasonic) TV, I'm not only interrupted by ads but it crashes out of the YouTube app completely,...
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From todays Telegraph, by Charles Moore: "I am not sure people understand that the current, bad situation will soon get much worse. M&S and hundreds of businesses are wrestling with problems which...
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Does anyone remember him " the wonderous Notts & England batsman" ? I seem to remember him always having trouble with his trousers etc. In his new excellent book; 'Cricketing Lives', (Reaktion Books)...
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I'm cutting & pasting in a letter from this morning's Telegraph on vaccine passports: [i] 'It is not that much of a jump to a totalitarian regime' @Carolyn Bates: "I never in my wildest dreams could...
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The Calling of St. Matthew "that priest looks just like Belmondo" * —Look at his hand, his palm. Like a pianist’s —But that old guy can’t see a thing —What next, paying in a church —Mom, my head aches...
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We, the great unwashed, know what rules are applicable to us, but what rules exist for the guidance of AB moderators, & how can we access them please?...
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For the first time in nearly a year we have just been out to a restaurant (my golf-club) & had a nice meal - superb rump steak with a creamy pepper sauce, with Pommes (chips to you :0) ), salad, &...

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