Can any remainers justify Theresa May's (aka Oliver Robbins') flagrant surrender of everything the British have fought and died for;
In case you, like Jeremy Corbym haven't managed to read the whole 600 pages, here's a run down, courtesy of Steerpike of the Spectator; The top 40 horrors: 1.From the offset, we should note that this...
I suggest this chap, granted he isn't an MP, and he's from one of the colonies, but he is knighted, and he we really could do with someone with real gravitas;...
I don't know how, but I aimlessly wandered on to the site of the Morning Star to find it decrying 'hate-fuelled politics' only to discover that their attack on Tommy Robinson is just about as...
... gets rewarded for his courage by the generous Australian public; Has this story been...
You will have seen and possibly participated in the current AB poll about remembrance on November 11th. I just came across this article by Simon Jenkins, written 12 months ago, but going the rounds...
“Shame on he who claims to have a fair table without Maroilles”: [the Maroilles brotherhood motto] Well they would say that wouldn't they? but Maroilles is pretty good and no one should pass...
The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that defaming the Prophet Muhammad “goes beyond the permissible limits of an objective debate”, upholding an earlier conviction by an Austrian court on...
Really beggars belief, for example, did you know that Britain will resemble North Korea after Brexit?
'A Brussels-based think tank published a survey that showed a majority of European citizens were not enamoured with the European project. According to the Friends of Europe think tank, nearly...
... on Greek island because it may cause offence to migrants!