As someone, (W.C. actually) once said in another context, " it makes you feel proud to be an Englishman', don't you think?
Angela ('once a communist always a communist') Merkel, hates Germany, and May has for two years worked against the will of the majority of the British electorate, shouldn't they both exit and pronto?...
Watching the snooker from York I see the players are drinking water from bottles and containers with Chinese characters on them. Is it Chinese water? Also, why do they drink so much of it (and when...
What about it? whether you like it or not, at least he has plan, which is more than can be said for anyone else (except of course there's May's suicide 'deal')...
In this interview Bill Cash is effectively shut down by background noises, surely the Sky News technicians can overcome this ? it seems to be happening in many of these outside broadcasts. This... But of course they are, like the AfD in Germany, branded as "far right", (sometimes even...
The BBC project Fear continues apace; what is the purpose of this non-story other than to cause fear and confusion? All we learn is that the locals are popular and an elderly lady is "worried", no...
Can any remainers justify Theresa May's (aka Oliver Robbins') flagrant surrender of everything the British have fought and died for;
In case you, like Jeremy Corbym haven't managed to read the whole 600 pages, here's a run down, courtesy of Steerpike of the Spectator; The top 40 horrors: 1.From the offset, we should note that this...
I suggest this chap, granted he isn't an MP, and he's from one of the colonies, but he is knighted, and he we really could do with someone with real gravitas;...
I don't know how, but I aimlessly wandered on to the site of the Morning Star to find it decrying 'hate-fuelled politics' only to discover that their attack on Tommy Robinson is just about as...