Am I the only sceptic here who thinks that the pie thrower was actually set-up by the Murdochs to stage that particular incident to evoke some sympathy for an 80 year old man?
Hi Lofty & Other Soya Milk Drinkers! I saw Lofty talking about soya milk on another thread. Like her, I also don't like cows milk and have teeny bit in normal tea but none in coffee and obviously...
Thank goodness that someone has seen sense as they were due to be scrapped in 2018. No one could come up with a suitable alternative. I use Cheques reguarly as do many others so I am well pleased....
can anyone tell me with absolute certainty whether there are some peage exits on french toll roads which only take debit or credit cards and have no facility for paying by cash. i'm not talking about...
Any time I get bitten by a cleg I get quite a lot of swelling around the bite (approx 4 inch diameter) which goes very hard, very hot and itchy. I know that there are lots of answers online about what...
My daughter reminded me of an ad. of a few years ago; a lady has an annoying squeak as she drives along, she goes to a desert garage and an elderly, oily, mechanic traces it to her earing, to which he...
Now i know there are many important issues in life and his is not one of them, but i HATE when people stir my tea with a teaspoon that was in a coffee cup! I dont like my tea tasting of coffee, if i...
I have been lumbered with the task of ringing one of my husband's customers to ask where our payment is. Up to what time would you consider it to be OK to phone (have the distinct impression that they...
I went to leave out our wheelie bin today and when I opened the lid there were maggots inside it on top of the rubbish. We usually only dump our wheelie bin every couple of months but this is the...
Have you or do you have premonitions? I have since a child and they seem to be more prolific as I get older. Many times I've thought of something happening before the event and it's turned out exactly...
All jokes seem to be hurtful - they make their subject look foolish in some way.
Can you suggest a nice kind one?
(excluding puns, witticisms and the like)...
If this is the case, if you are knocked over by a car or fall terminally ill is right that they should seek life saving treatment. Why would they even bother looking before crossing the road, when God...
Sorry in advance for sounding vague but can anyone out there name the music hall? radio comedian (30s 40s 50s?) who used to say things like "I feel better now than I did when I wasn't as well...
Where have all the ladybirds gone this year? I haven't seen one yet. Also, my garden is absolutely crawling with greenflies on every single plant. Are the two related and how do you get rid of the...