this is the right thing to do in my opinion and inevitable, but can we now expect marches in london against it, joined of palestine and yemeni marches against pro zionist crusader islamophobes,... ... Won't be forgotten by Ukrainians. I wonder how the PM got to Kyivso quickly given late... ...
A friend was told by the optician that he has cataracts which will stop him driving before long. He asked what the procedure is and was told that, under local anaesthetic, the surgeon 'cuts the... ...
Public Support for the Royal Family drops below 50% for the very first time.Says a new Savanta Poll .What the hell is happening in the UK these days .The monarchy is suffering a calamitous loss of... ...
Does it taste different to regular coffee? I am drinking far too much coffee and am thinking if I switch to decaf from midday I might sleep better. I'm a simple man, I drink mainly instant... ...
Just chatting with mr mally about our childhood and i remembered in winter i wore a liberty bodice with rubber buttons ,then lined up with my siblings and given a spoonful of cod liver oil and... ...
'NHS asks patients to choose from 12 genders, 10 sexual preferences and 159 religions Some registering with the online portal before they attend appointments have said questions are bizarre,... ...
Anyone seen it ? Half way through this Harlan Coben yarn - good, but complicated plot with few too many characters for my tiny brain. But I've fallen hopelessly for Michelle Keegan who's not only... ...
Further to my posts on being lonely and isolated. I am going (on Thursday) to the local church Monthly Lunch Club. A three course meal for £10.00. Cooked by the owner of a really great pub in the... ...
Sunak and the Cons are running out of ways in which they can fight for survival. Nothing they are doing is shifting the polls, with current trends predicting a landslide victory for Labour. With... ...